The success of a language stay depends a lot on the first exchanges you have with your host family. The first days are important and determining. Adopting the right attitude and behavior from the very beginning will determine the outcome of your language stay. And even the youngest and most timid can do it.
Here are our tips and tricks to successfully integrate into your host family.
First contacts
When you book your language stay with Linguifamily, you have the chance to communicate with your host family even before you arrive at their home ! You may have already become ” friends ” on social networks and even exchanged some pictures with them ? Do not hesitate ! This fluidity in the exchanges greatly favors the smooth running of your arrival.
Linguifamily tip : On the day of your arrival, agree on a way to contact each other (SMS, Whatsapp or other). Also have a sign to recognize you in the crowd at the train station or airport, such as a red shirt, a beret or a small blue-white-red flag !
Gift for your guests
The gift for your guests is not mandatory but it is very much appreciated. This also makes it easier to spend the first few hours with your host family, creating the first moments of language exchange. Bottles of wine, beer and other regional specialties are your best options and will give you the opportunity to talk about your city or region.
Don’t forget to bring small gifts for the children of your host family, and don’t forget some Frenchy sweets !
The smile H24
Good mood is your best ally, don’t forget it in France. Be yourself and put on your best smile. This attitude is essential to foster communication with your host family.
The smile melts the ice, builds trust and heals wounds, it is the key to sincere human relations.
Talk and be open
Well, that’s the basis for a language stay. Looking to practice and improve your English or Spanish, not ? So participate in the daily life of your host family, accept all the proposed activities and especially put your smartphone aside to facilitate the exchanges.
Whether it’s a few days or several weeks, your host family will appreciate your presence and help in the kitchen. Setting the table, filling the water pitcher, preparing a vinaigrette or simply chatting with your host while he prepares the meal will be really appreciated and will allow you to easily discuss everyday topics. Feel free to bring back 2 or 3 of your favorite recipes from France and make them for your guests. They will be very grateful to you.

Linguifamily Tip : Dazzle your hosts with the pancake batter recipe ! Inexpensive and easy to make, you will bring a little bit of France in the kitchen of your host family. And who doesn’t like to eat crepes ?
With smartphones, taking pictures and sharing them on social networks are done in 3 clicks. Ask your hosts beforehand to what extent they agree or not to have their faces or their house photo shared and if they agree to be tagged. Write your publications in their language and ask them for help : a fun way to review your grammar.
For Linguifamily, hearing from you during your language stays is the best reward ! Feel free to tag us and use the #linguifamily to share your adventures with us. We love it !
The first moments with your host family determine the success of your language stay. The choice of the host family is also ! Do not hesitate to consult their profile on the Linguifamily platform and to talk to them now.